Safety and quality standards in the nuclear medicine and radiometabolic therapy
Comecer's IRIS and THERABED
In the fields of nuclear medicine and radiometabolic therapy, operator safety, patient protection, and environmental safeguarding are fundamental aspects. Comecer stands out for innovation and the development of devices designed to ensure maximum safety and comfort during diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.
One of these advanced systems is IRIS, a radiopharmaceutical injection system designed to perform precise and calibrated injections, ensuring maximum safety for the patient. Starting from a multidose radiopharmaceutical vial, for instance FDG, this device performs automatic and calibrated injections, simplifying the procedure for the operator and ensuring accuracy and safety for the patient. The innovative and compact design and the ease of handling in combination with the autonomous battery power, make the IRIS a practical and efficient solution.
Furthermore, Comecer has developed a management system for radiometabolic therapy (THERABED ) that allows real-time monitoring and acquisition of dosimetric readings for each patient (and bed). This system aims to offer safety to the operators.
In this article, we will dive deeper into how these Comecer devices, with their advanced and safety-focused technology, are redefining safety and quality standards in the field of nuclear medicine and radiometabolic therapy.
Compact, Safe and easy to use: IRIS
In the ever-evolving sector of medical technology, Comecer introduces IRIS, a cutting-edge system revolutionizing radioisotope injection procedure. IRIS embodies a design characterized by compactness, ensuring ease of use through ergonomically positioned components. Its unique control panel houses a user-friendly, touch-screen based user interface, while adjustable settings offer enhanced convenience.
Notably, IRIS ensures secure and ergonomic positioning of disposable kits, streamlining the injection process. Its interface enables the measurement and dilution of the mother vial, while the flow of the saline is adjustable, offering precision up to 0.5 ml/sec. Versatility lies in its compatibility with various vial container types, supporting multiple isotopes with a dose calibrator and enabling high-precision dose calculations.Moreover, the system prioritizes patient safety, featuring special filters on the single-use components and the bubble tester. IRIS facilitates rapid and automatic dose preparation and injection for patients, ensuring accuracy while maintaining patient selection and dose calculation. It includes a label printer for infusion records and a DICOM protocol for direct RIS/PACS connection and workload list exchange.
IRIS is not only technologically advanced but also adaptable, with wireless connectivity to the wireless DICOM connectivity and operational autonomy for 8 hours. Its streamlined design and multifunctional capabilities make it a cornerstone in ensuring patient safety and operational efficiency in radioisotope injection procedures.
Revolutionizing metabolic radiotherapy management with THERABED
THERABED emerges as a groundbreaking system designed for efficient metabolic radiotherapy management: it is a Real-time monitoring and acquisition of dosimetric readings for each patient (and bed); in this way it offers safety to the hospital’s operators, who can avoid going close the patients and taking the dose measurements.
THERABED ensures patient data retrieval by offering various integration options, providing flexibility in data input methods. Its dedicated digital agenda facilitates meticulous planning for patient stays and room preparation, optimizing the allocation to specific beds or rooms based on individual needs.
One of THERABED's key features is its ability to configure personalized reading algorithms for each patient, catering to their unique requirements. Managing probes and their calibration is simplified as the system alerts users about expiring calibrations, ensuring precise administration through activity/isotope input.
The system's real-time dosimetric reading monitoring enables constant vigilance over patient progress. It allows for manual adjustments in the acceptance interval and offers an overview of dosimetric readings for each bed.
Post-acquisition, THERABED efficiently archives readings for future reference and automatically generates predictive discharge statistics. It calculates residual activity through advanced methods like Weibull Regression and Weighted Exponential Regression. The system compiles a comprehensive summary report inclusive of clinical records and discharge notes.
For added security and compliance, THERABED provides an optional digital signature feature for reports, ensuring authenticity and reliability. THERABED stands as a testament to cutting-edge technological advancement, facilitating optimized metabolic radiotherapy management while prioritizing patient care and data accuracy.
WDL SERIES, Shielded WC for disposal of organic radioactive waste
Finally, referring to the dedicated page, we highlight all those accessories that integrate with the water element. Here are the shielded WC series WDL for the disposal of radioactive organic waste.
It consists of a shielded WC equipped with a shredder, which sends the sewage to a collection tank in plastic reinforced by fiberglass. When this tank is full the sewage is deviated to the second tank. A timer is present which evaluates the decaying time of the sewage. Measurement begins when the basin reaches the maximum level. It can be emptied using a key selector.
When the second tank is full, the sewage is then deviated back to the first tank if it has been emptied. The cycle repeats in turn. The system also allows the sewage to be sampled via ball valves located on the front of the structure. The vapors that are produced inside the tanks are eliminated via an active coal filter.
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